Fearnet ‘Priest’ Interview

Written by Alexa on May 04 2011

In the world of Scott Stewart’s Priest, it is not just the men who are holy. In the post-apocalyptic world of beasts and vampires, based on the graphic novel by Min-Woo Hyung, Priestess kicks just as much ass as Priest. We chatted with professional ass-kicker Maggie Q about vampires and who would win in a fight between Priestess and Nikita.

Can you tell us about your character?

I am the only female priest in the film, but you do see others in a flashback. That is the look – all the priests have that look, with that brand on their foreheads, and no names. They’re soldiers. They’ve sacrificed a lot. People always ask me how there are female priests. In this world, they are. [Director] Scott Stewart says it is really an alternate world. It’s not this world’s church.

Who would win in a fight between your Priestess character and Nikita?

Well, the priests have been given “heightened abilities.” Touched by the hand of god. They’re not superheroes. Priestess has a gift. Nikita has had to earn her gifts.

Are you a fan of vampire movies?

I wouldn’t say I’m a fan per se. I know that there are vampires in our film, and we are kind of painted as a vampire film, but when I think about Priest, making the film, reading the script… the word “vampire” was never in my head. It was never about that. There is a lot of symbolism in this movie, a lot of parallels we draw, and yes there are creatures instead of people with [fangs]. For me, it is always story first. Scott is such a great storyteller, and he will sell you on visuals. I don’t really see this film as a vampire film. I don’t even really see it as an action film. I see it as a drama.

Can you talk about the relationship between your character and Paul Bettany’s character?

I think my character has been a priest longer than Paul’s character. She was found as a child. Because of the vows they take, she does love this man who had a love that wasn’t her. That doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t know if Priestess wants to be with him as much as she wants to be loved by him. He was her comrade. They are connected in a different way. I think women will really get it. We emote on a completely different level.

Source: Fearnet

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